(Click Gary)




16, Pisces, Isfp-t, idemromantic/pan ace, musician, artist, wiccan,photographer, psychology student, writer

User description

ಠ_ಠseatbelt material, my dad, boring people, the word panties, children that talk too much, chalk, new people, topiaries
ಠ◡ಠcrystals, tarot reading, animals, cacti, grandmas, tables, gorillas, squirrels

✩more info


  • English

  • Spanish

  • Tiny bit of French

  • learning asl


  • if you're overly political

  • TERFs

  • anti-lgbt/dogmatist

  • pro-Christians who try to convert others (believe in whatever you want but my beliefs are separate from yours)

  • close-minded people

  • uncomfortable with mental-health topics (nothing against you, just for ur safety dni <3)

  • when you copy other people's problems to be more like them

  • overly sexual/horny people